Featured Model: Malayasia Carter

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Malayasia Carter was born Into a large family of seven members in a high crime area of Chester, Pennsylvania. She had to face adversity both out in the streets and in her home. As a child Malayasia was reared by her drug addicted mother who chose her habit over her daughter due to this Malayasia became a latch key child to many of her family members households. But not having a stable home did not stop Malayasia from focusing on what she wanted out of life to better herself as a person.
Malayasia attended Sacred Heart Catholic School while in Chester but slowly succumbing to her environment she was relocated to New Castle, Delaware where she attended McCullough School. In New Castle she thrived as a student and at the age of twelve (12) Malaysia earned a certificate from the Temple University Young Entrepreneur Program. Within this program she learned various skills such as reading stocks and starting her own business unbeknownst to her that this knowledge would later help shape who she becomes as a woman and enables her to make moves in her future careers.
“A busy bee has no time for sorrow” and Malaysia applied this saying to her life by staying active in school participating in sports (softball, golf and track and field). While on the track team she assisted as a lead for the Chester Cheetahs to the Junior Olympic National and State Championships. She was musically inclined also playing instruments such as the clarinet and flute. In her spare time Malaysia wanted to help make a difference in her community by giving back what the community has offered her in her upbringing. Volunteering for national organizations:
· Home Depot
· Habitat Humanity
· Ka boom Projects
Malaysia aided her local YWCA with raising over $200,000 of funding that supplied services and materials from the Home Depot. In conjunction with the help the Home Depot gave YWCA, they have also adopted the organization to help with future needs they may need. She also took part in the Susan G Komen Foundation to help raise Breast Cancer Awareness (Oct 2009).
Now as an adult Malayasia stands a tall five foot four (5’4”) and tackles the roles of being a model, actress, humanitarian and author. Having the measurements of a 34-25-42 stature she has successfully been featured in numerous national magazines. As an actress she has had roles in DVDs that are sold nationwide in stores, one of her bigger roles was playing Natasha next to Eness (former Bad Boy recording artist) in the movie “Domestic” . As mentioned above with all the community work Malayasia gives back she is working towards being recognized as not only being a local humanitarian but a national humanitarian to spread the power of what one person can do to make a difference in their community. With all the hats she wears Malayasia manages to add another title to her impressive resume as an author which she proves in her soon to be released tell all book “Xposed” that documents her life from being born into hardships to growing with the obstacles and coming out on top with room to still be humble and grow.
To have a positive image for people young and old is a dream that drives her to become a motivational speaker oneday, brand her name on all that she does, start her own make up line, and show the world that her presence is a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry.
Malayasia by far is more than a triple threat...
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